Anwesan De
- Bachelor of Engineering - BE, Electronics and Instrumentation, Bits Pilani, Hyderabad Campus (2019 - 2023)
- Minor , Robotics and Automation , Bits Pilani, Hyderabad Campus (2021 - 2023)
Project 1 : Using Reinforcement Learning to train AI to play Google Chrome Dinosaurs Game
- The Screenshot of the game environment was taken and the pixel value was optimized using OpenCV library in Python.
- A Deep Q Network algorithm was used to train the agent
- A Convolutional Neural Network was used to analyze the pixel data
- A Custom Gym environment was created to access the game on Google chrome and manipulate it.
Project 2: Applying Reinforcement Learning Algorithms on gym environment
Using standard Gym environments I have used various algorithms like Q table and Deep Q Network to teach the agent in solving the environments. Some Examples include:
- Highway-env – The main task in this environment is for the agent is to navigate a car in traffic by slowing down, increasing speed or changing lanes
- MountainCar-v0 and MountainCarContinuous-v0– The task was to carry the vehicle up a mountain in an under-powered car. The Agent had to learn to move the car back and forth to develop momentum.
- CartPole-v0 – The agent had to learn to make minute changes in position in the cart which in turn balances a rod and keeps it upright.
Project 3: Mass mailing encrypted PDF
This script uses a tkinter gui . It encrypts a pdf with the date of birth of the reciever(by default) and sends it to the recievers. A sqlite3 database stores the information of the users(name, DOB, Email ) . It is completely customizable.
Project 4: Minute Python projects
To exercise my knowledge and my desire to learn I implemented the following python scripts in my day-to-day functioning:
- A PDF to excel/LaTeX/csv format converter
- Solving ordinary point series, regular singular series and hypergeometric series
- A web-scraper application which scrapes the pdf slides and documents from the professor’s website . This was achieved using python library beautifulsoup4 and requests
- A calculator and a basic text editor using the python tkinter library
- Article 1 : “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Sentiment Analysis using Naive-Bayes Classifier” An article on Naive-Bayes classification , Towards Data Science, 2021
- Article 2 : ““the-intuition-behind-Reinforcement-learning” An introduction to Reinforcement Learning , Towards Data Science, 2021
This Repo contains my updated resume.